Urban Detox
Specialist in Ozone TherapyAuthentic | Conscious | Wellness
Urban Detox | Pioneering Medical Ozone | Innovating Wellness
Urban Detox is a pioneering and innovative detox cleansing concept using Ozone Therapy. Our advanced cleansing formula is one of the most powerful and systemic detox systems in the world. With over 10 years of research we have developed an integrated holistic health protocol to restore and optimize your health naturally.
The fast pace of urban life can have a major impact on our digestive health, thereby reducing our digestive immunity. Together with our exposure to environmental pollutants, lack of sleep, stress and bad lifestyle choices, can compromise our digestive immunity. However, the collective impact can accelerate our oxidative stress.
Urban Detox uses the power of Medical Ozone to activate a deep detoxification. Whilst simultaneously supporting the body to eliminate and neutralise the release of harmful substances from the body. It has the ability to release Oxygen from the red blood cells, by providing more oxygen into the blood circulation. An effect that can relieve a wide range of aliments from the whole body.
At the same time our metabolic function are optimised and we can start building up our energy and stamina throughout each day. As medical ozone progresses through our body it activates and balances our immunity. This helps us to fight and recover from infections. It also enhances the body's capacity to neutralise free radical damage and protects our body from oxidative stress.
It is important to note that Urban Detox uses Medical Ozone Gas, the purest form of Ozone for all it's therapeutic applications in Ozone Therapy. We adhere to the code of ethic's and best practice protocols set out by the Ozone Society. Maintaining the highest standards of practice in the UK.
All You Need To Know
Medical Ozone Part 1
This is a quick and simple guide for all clients who wish to know more about Medical Ozone.
In this video we distinguish the different types of Ozone and how Medical Ozone is generated for therapeutic use for Ozone Therapy. We cover the 4 distinctive properties of Medical Ozone and how it effects our body.
All You Need To Know
Medical Ozone Part 2
Here we cover the main methods to deliver Ozone Therapy to the body.
In this video we give a breakdown on how each method works, how effective it is and how each application has it's different uses and affects.
The Urban Detox Concept
Innovation in Health & Wellness
Get an insight to our Unique Cleansing Concept to Fast Track your Health and Wellness.
Our Unique Medical Ozone formulas simultaneously provide a Powerful Cleansing Process and Protection from Oxidative Stress. Thereby, virtually reducing all detoxification symptoms, while You Live Life, Work and Play
Email: info(@)urbandtox.com
Tel: +447798861406
Web: urbandtox.com
Terms & Conditions
Medical Ozone
All You Need To Know Medical Ozone P 1
All You Need To Know Medical Ozone P 2
Urban Detox Concept
Medical Ozone Steam Sauna
Colon Insufflation
Ozone Sauna & Insufflation Combined