Form Submission is restrictedForm is successfully submitted. Thank you for your feed back and we hope to see you again.Your Experience MattersUrban Detox strives to ensure your experience is the best, your feedback helps Urban Detox improve your experience. Your feedback may be posted on our website, only your first name will be used on the website1 Star = Poor | 2 Stars = Average | 3 Stars = Good | 4 stars = Very Good | 5 Stars = Excellent Name*Email*Occupation*DateCommunication*How was the overall communication with the practitionerQuality of Service*How do you feel of the quality of service you received throughout your treatment or protocolHealth Analysis*This is the online consultation process to determine your protocolNutrition Plan*How helpful was your nutrition plan and or Food PlanningSupplement Plan*Did the supplments prescribed helpTreatment Experience*Did you feel comfortable, safe and feel good from each treatment givenHolistic Health and Wellness Support*Did the practitioner provide emotional, mental and spirtual support that contributed to improving your wellbingYour Practitioner*Did the practitioner provided the support and expertise you neededPlease feel free to leaving any feedback Submit